I was shocked to the marrow when I saw a screaming headline that says 67 Church Members Dead After Pastor Told Them to Fast to Death to See Jesus".
I was trying hard to understand how a human being with brain would accept to kill himself to see Christ.
Are they reading the Bible at all? Was there anywhere in the Bible where Christ instructed people to fast to death? I wonder.
Sometime ago, a South African Pastor asked his members to eat glasses and they started eating. Oh my God!
Wait a minute, what could be the cause of these dehumanizing acts? How can a normal human obey such dehumanizing instructions and reduce themselves to lower animals.
Even animals cannot intentionally starve to death. Carnivores cannot eat glasses.
Such acts have reduced human beings below animals. This is very dangerous.
Anyway, I understand why these church members can obey such suicidal instruction to starve to death in the name of fasting. I think I know.
Three factors are possibly playing out ...
In one of my lectures I told a secret revealed to me by one gifted prophetess. She said that some prophet bury blind ram at the entrance of their church to hypnotize anybody that step his foot into the Church.
Some might possibly bury human beings to achieve even strong effect.
I listen to one spiritualist and scientist analyse the effect of hypnosis on human body. He emphasize that hypnosis has a very strong effect on human mind.
When you're hypnotized, you will do anything you're commanded to do including killing yourself.
This is why you must stop vising prophets and sit back to reconcile with your God. Connect deeply with your God and follow his lead.
If you're being led by the spirit of God, you will not find your foot on cursed ground. Hypnosis will have no effect on you.
A lot of religious people believe strongly in whatever their pastors or imams says. In their mind, they believe that their pastor can never deceive them or be deceived by Satan.
These religious people can fight and even die for their pastor. They believe them absolutely without doubt.
This strong belief in their pastor might be as a result of overwhelming gift displayed by him. He might be extremely intelligent, eloquent, wealthy and powerful.
Some of them have performed or arranged some miracles that threw them off their feet.
All these gradually elevated their Pastor above God in their mind. So, they're overtime, gradually psyched to accept their pastor as God.
These sets of religious fanatics, might not be diabolically hypnotized. Their case is more psychological.
Listen, if Devil can tempt Jesus, who is your pastor. Nobody is above being tempted or possessed by the enemy.
Your seemingly perfect pastor might not be who you think he is in the dark. Do not let your mind be caged.
Most religious communities tend to teach faith without teaching reasoning.
They would tell you that you should have faith in something even if it is not reasonable.
Even though, I'm not totally against faith but it's painful to watch all these so-called men of God manipulate it to exploit or dehumanize their members.
Yes, to an ordinary mind, faith does not make any meaning. It sounds foolish to believe or do something that does not make any meaning to you.
However, I clearly understand and believe in faith, considering the fact that spirituality has much more to do with something we do not see.
A lot is going on in the spiritual realm that we humans cannot understand, we only need faith to believe.
For example, we pray to God we have never seen, but we believe he exist. It's faith.
I must warn you, however, don't allow your pastor to exploit faith to make you believe or do something meaningless, foolish, dangerous and dehumanizing.
Faith is a gift from God. Reconcile with your God and ask him for the capacity to embrace genuine faith.
Without God, you faith is foolishness. Without God, the enemy will surely manipulate your faith against you.
True yet painful. It will be shocking too to realize that there were 'enlightened' men involved in that massacre. But unfortunately for them hypnosis dealt a cruel blow on them
Jarikre peacePost Your Comments