Last Sunday, I talked about FEELINGS and why you should kill the dragon when it is still small.
Someone asked me, "how can we control our feelings when it has already overwhelmed us?"
In other words, what are we going to do if we're already addicted to something we hate?
Listen, if your addiction has grown into a dragon, it is pretty hard to kill it.
Many people stay addicted for life because they have tried over and over and failed.
Your level of addiction determines how hard it will be to reverse it.
If you're already extremely addicted, it will be extremely hard.
It is usually very hard to reverse an addiction because it makes your brain pass through torturous process to get to its former state prior to the addiction.
I told you that your brain is listening and adjusting to whatever you say, think or do.
If you start masturbating, having sex or taking drugs, for example, your brain will keep adjusting to the sweetness of your new habit.
Your brain embraces the new habit with the speed of light if the habit is sweet.
But if the habit is rigorous, your brain will struggle and fight to maintain the sweet state.
This is the reason why subjects like maths and sciences are hard.
Maths is not naturally sweet, so your brain hates it by default. Music and sex are naturally sweet, no wonder your brain can't do without them.
So, if you have been having sex or taking drugs and suddenly decided to stop it, it's gonna be pretty hard.
You're trying to force your brain to sacrifice the sweet lifestyle you have taught him.
Have you ever seen a drug addict going through rehabilitation?
Do you notice how they behave when they need the drug but could not get it?
They would start acting like they're insane. Some would be acting as if they can't breathe properly. So, the process of reversing an addiction is rigorous and torturous to your brain.
If you're truly ready to be free from that addiction, you must gird your loins for a good fight. If the addiction is strong, employ an expert to rehabilitate you.
If you're not yet deeply addicted or if you're disciplined enough to handle the reversal process by yourself, do these.
Hate that ugly act you're addicted to
Be genuinely remorseful. It will send a message to your brain that the act is not good. While your brain is struggling to agree with you, the sweetness of the act will keep fighting.
Coming out of addiction is a heavy battle and if you must win, you must gird your loins. If you pamper yourself, you will continue to be addicted for life.
If you're addicted to, let say, masturbation and you're determined to be free, you must start by hating the act.
It is easy to hate anything you want to hate. If you want to hate somebody, sit back and recount every bad thing the person has done to you or other people.
If you can recount in details the pain somebody has done to you, hate will gradually build up inside you. That's why you're advised not to bear grudge.
So, if you want to hate that addiction, recount all that you've lost as a result of the addiction.
If you're a chronic masturbator, it can curse health issue, it can lead to low libido. It will lead you to spending so much money on data subscription watching porn.
It can bring about low self-esteem. Spiritually, it is even much more dangerous but let me leave it for another day.
If you can form a clear picture of all the pain and humiliation as well as all that you've lost as a result of the addiction, you will start hating it.
If you seriously hate the addiction, it will send strong signal to your brain. Even though your brain loves the sweetness it derives from it, it will give some attention to your pain of hate.
However, your brain will not just allow you to be free from the addiction just because you hate it, it still loves the sweetness and will fight to keep you in that state.
See your brain as a little child. It will always want pleasure but if you pamper it, you will spoil it.
Think of what brought about the addiction and quit them all
If you're addicted to masturbation, for example, a lot of things played a role; your environment, friends, music, routine. All of these and more are guilty of what you're going through.
If you're serious about quitting the addiction, you must quit everything that tend to trigger it.
Quit secular music
For the past weeks, I've been listening to many ex-Satanists turned preachers. Some of them were from the music industry.
My role model, Joseph Okechukwu had emphasized greatly the dangerous influence of music, the confession of these ex-satan worshippers validated his claim.
I don't want to go spiritual for now because I'm not an expert in spiritual matters. I will however, try my best to convince you that some secular music are truly very dangerous.
Music is one thing that can have access to your mind without your permission. It easily breaks down your resistance and freely enters to cause damage.
Think about this; if someone looks at your face and tell you that you will die, or that you will go to hell or that you're stupid, you will frown, get mad or even fight the person, right?
But if the person wants you to accept the curse willingly, the person will prepare a great beat you love so much - a beat you cannot resist and add the curse in the lyrics.
Once you listen to the beat, your resistance is broken instantly and you will begin to sing the curse as a song, and you know what, every spoken word is damn dangerous.
Music is even more dangerous because it is meant to be repeated, and you know that when you repeat something over and over, it gains more power.
When satanists wants to invoke demons, they repeat certain words or song over and over, as they keep repeating it, the demons will keep emerging.
There is power in repetition and music forces you to repeat and keep repeating.
To understand how powerful music is, do this exercise. Play a secular love song over and over and watch how you feel. It will change the atmosphere and activate some lustful feelings.
Now, play any worship song you love over and over and watch how you feel again. It will breakdown the lustful feelings and put you in worship mood. It can even make you cry.
These are two different music with different effects.
If you love secular music so much that you can't stop listening to them forever, stop for now to help yourself recover from the addiction because it is contributing greatly in breaking you down.
When you defeat addiction, you can sit back and censor the kind of secular music to listen to.
To be continued in my next post. Keep visiting Heroic Blog.
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